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Upcoming Programs
Relevant Storytelling
Virtual Program
Join Sales Assembly and Mark Smyth, Founder & Chief Story Mixologist at Story Dynamix, as we hone into value articulation as a skill.
Effective Demo Strategies
Virtual Program
Join Sales Assembly and Rob Reyes, Enterprise Account Executive at Mixpanel, as we hone into value articulation as a skill.
Building a Personal Brand to Grow Your Network
Virtual Program
Skill Development Modules
Account Executive
Account Manager
Customer Success Manager
Post-Sale Revenue Manager
Pre-Sale Revenue Manager
Join Sales Assembly and Mason Cosby, Founder of Scrappy ABM, as we break down the process of building your brand!
Research shows that having a personal brand can profoundly impact your business growth, but where do you even get started? By attending this program, you will gain a deeper understandin...